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Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Inside the mind of an advertiser.

When it comes down to the final analysis many so-called advice sites talk only of the Google (or other) system itself. While this is fine and dandy for technical insight what most of us need is a little more extensive research.

For example - I am sure you have seen spam blogs that use words like "MAKE MONEY NOW!!!" and "SEXSEXSEX" or "CASINO MONEY RICHES!" and every page is a link back to the same tired old site. I am sure you have also seen sites that are even worse - for example the spam-o-blog that has only adverts above the fold and a large collection of repeated keywords below.

These people are DOOMED to make no money what-so-ever.

My hope is that these desperate people will read this blog and see how a little work can reap decent sized rewards.

The trick is to think both as a surfer and an advertiser. What kind of person does an advertiser want?

Do they want a surfer dumb enough to click an advert on a content-less page or do they want a clued up surfer that is looking for something specific?

In case that question was too hard I'll answer it - they want clued-up surfers. They want people that buy products and know what they are doing. The poor sap that got to their site via a spam-o-blog probably has no idea what he or she is doing and is unlikely to be able to make a purchase.

There are many good sites that advise the advertiser on how to get the best from an advert:

Google Adwords guide / Google Adwords tutorials and tips.: "Just as the popularity of Googles search engine is derived from its strong technologically advanced features and results so too is its advertising program Adwords. Google Adwords has many advantages over similar programs such as and "


"Don't let being in position one dominate your mind when deciding what cost per click to pay for keywords. Doing so may mean your spending more than you really need to, when Google gives you the average position of your ad based on your current cost per click settle for 1,2 or 3 as all these ads will be above the fold (the fold is the point on a page where you have to start using the scroll bar to continue reading). "

When picking your keywords to write on think about this - you will get between four and twelve adverts for your content and unless you are lucky enough to get four or five insane advertisers bidding the life out of a word they will settle for second and third place on the listings.

This means that you are not going to make a killing from a rare click. Instead you must enthuse your readers on the topic you write. Exite them with facts, get them engaged about sky-diving, table-top-RPG, nude modelling or whatever it is that you are writing about. Tell all and get your reader interested.

That takes time.

But if you do not use your time wisely you will simply be throwing good chances for money down the drain.

Do you really want to give your self a pay-cut or would a pay rise feel better?

When your readership is exited about your topic you have hooked them. Now follow up with more exiting content. If your talking about table-top-RPG talk about the exiting new starter kits that are coming out. If nude modelling is your bag then tell them all about the joy of having twenty art students painting images of your body and if sky diving is you kick then tell them about the rush of doing your first dive.

What happens when some one is truly interested in a topic?

They search for more information.

That's when your carefully placed adwords start to look really attractive. CLICK! Congratulations you made a sale, they made a sale and now you have a happy reader, a happy seller and a happy you.

By using Google adwords you need only focus on the content and the adverts will sort themselves out.

I'll close to day with another quote from an advertisers advice page:

How to Cheat Google AdWords Select - Parts 1 to 4 [Search Marketing]: "In order to get the most out of the AdWords Select program, you simply must have a great keyword list. If your keyword list is not deep enough, you will be doomed to pay top dollar on only a few highly-trafficked phrases that garner top dollar bids. So, what are the steps to developing a great keyword list?"

They are targeting great content - go make your site the target today.

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